Equipment list can be filtered by Division, Property, or Department. The example below is filtered by Town division. This will show all equipment at properties in Town division and divisions below the Town division.
Create Work Order from Equipment Item
When creating a work order from an equipment item (or subcomponent item), the Department field and the equipment field are locked in. The service location and type designator are automatically filled in based on the equipment item, but can be changed if necessary.
Creating Properties
Work orders assigned to an equipment item can be listed using the view workorders action for an equipment item or a subcomponent equipment item.
Manage Properties: List, Departments, User Groups, Lease
The properties list page shows number, name, address, city/state, division, and type. The list can be sorted by clicking on any linked column. Also, the list can be filtered by letter by clicking on the alphabet at the top of the page (to see the full list again, click #).
Property Summary Report
The Property Summary Report provides list information on property details. Only client administrators and staff with report view for properties can view this report.
Properties: Data Download
A client administrator can generate a csv file of details for all properties from the administration menu.
Create User Groups: Employee Groups and Lease Tenants
Tenant/Employee contacts are users that can submit service requests, but can’t see work orders or equipment like staff can. Every Tenant/Employee belongs to a parent user group. There are two types of user groups: Employee Groups and Lease Tenants.
Add Contacts to User Groups: Employee Groups and Lease Tenants
Tenant/Employee contacts are users that can submit service requests, but can’t see work orders or equipment like staff can. Every Tenant/Employee belongs to a parent user group. There are two types of user groups: Employee Groups and Lease Tenants.
Budget Time
Most articles on Facility Budget Management advocate implementing a modern CMMS. They point out that readily available CMMS data helps identify and justify needs and plans for the future.
Work Smart with Automated Recurring Work Orders
Recurring work orders save you time and help you stay organized. They are tickets for work that repeats according to a set schedule, such as preventive maintenance.